Ryan Fireprotection is proud to have been involved in this project with TWG Development. The plot of land was left vacant when IndyStar moved its operations to Circle Centre Mall, so it was a perfect opportunity to improve the downtown Indianapolis area. The project involved the construction of an 8-story apartment complex with retail space on the first floor and a penthouse.
Ryan Fireprotection’s role was installing a fire pump and equipment with multiple wet fire protection systems zoned per floor. Ryan also installed a dry system protecting a mechanical room that houses air conditioning condenser units. The project called for a standpipe with hose valves located in every required stairwell.
Because this project was completed in phases, the north half of the building was completed and occupied approximately 1 year prior to the south portion of the building. Since the water supply was located in the north portion of the building, Ryan Fireprotection could only tie-in each system at certain times of day. This project was completed with help from the fire department, who had their personnel watch over the building while the existing sprinkler system was turned off so that work could be completed. With careful coordination and planning, this project was a great success and has improved the landscape of downtown Indianapolis.